Guidelines for Authors

Guidelines for Authors for Online Manuscript Submission

(The following contents are mandatory in your research article.)

01. All the following details (including those authors in the research article) should be clear

  1. Authors Name First name, Middle Name, Last Name
  2. Department
  3. Institute Name
  4. Postal Address of Institute
  5. Email Id
  6. Correspondence Email Id

02. In research article Manuscript should be in 12 fonts and Times new roman

03. In Manuscript (only doc file)

  1. Abstract: - Approx. 250 to 300 words (Only doc file)
  2. Key words: - 5 to 7
  3. Introduction
  4. Material and methods
  5. Result and discussion (graph and tables are mandatory )
  6. Acknowledgment
  7. References
  8. Graph (Only jpg or excel file)
  9. tables (Only jpg or excel file)

04. Types of References

  1. Use references which one cited in Manuscript.
  2. Reference set in alphabetically manner
  3. Singh, D.K., and Kumar, V. (2020). Morphological study of Channa punctatus. Journal of science Innovation and Nature of Earth. 1(1):1-12

05. Fee of publications

There is NO FEE for Publication in the journal. The Journal will only give memberships (Annual Membership, Life Membership and Fellow Membership).

06. Benefits of Membership

  1. Once an annual membership of a journal is published, any number of papers can be published in a year, after that there is no need to take membership again.
  2. Once you take the life membership of a journal, you can publish any number of papers in life. There is no need to give any fee again. A certificate will be given after submitting the Life Membership fee.
  3. Once a fellow membership is obtained, publishing the paper in a journal in full life will not cost anything. Fellow members will also be able to write JSIANE in front of their names. Fellow members of JSIANE can also be made Reviewer & Judges at Future conferences and seminars. Along with this, certificates will also be given to fellow members. If A conference is organized by the society in the future with this certificate, Then 50% will be imposed.