Parental, Involvement, Student, Academic, SuccessAbstract
It has been seen in many researches that parental involvement has a great impact on the academic success of the student. But this level of impact can vary from student to student depending upon their parent’s socio-economic background. And in order to understand more about it, it is important to know in detail that what kind of involvement matter to student themselves so as to determine what can be done in support of vulnerable students that belong from low socio-economic background. This study was done to find out the effect of parent’s involvement in the student life of their children. This was especially carried out in the students of High School (10th std), while taking students of age group 14-16 years. This age group and standard was specifically chosen because this is the peak level after which the child has to make academic choices. A group of 25 (12 girls and 13 boys) such students were chosen who did not perform very well in their classes and are at a risk of not being able to complete their school education because of failing. In this study several findings were made about how the children expect more practical involvement of their parents in day-to-day tasks, and a clear indication from their parents that what exactly are their academic expectations from their children. While interviewing the students about their parent’s involvement in their school life, five themes were generated according to the understanding of the student’s responses: parent’s social and psychological support, help in doing homework given in school, support in practical life, expectations and aspirations level of parents and student’s feeling of thankfulness and obligations towards their parents. The findings of this study can be a great help in the field of family studies and education as it lays light on how the children poor in academics are affected by their parent’s involvement that belong to low socio-economic group and lacks resources in comparison to others. Thus, further a solution can be found out regarding this problem.
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