Vocabulary mastery, vocabulary building, English Reading Skill, authentic materials, language teaching.Abstract
This study was aimed to determine the students' vocabulary mastery and its effect on the skills of fourth grade students at Airlangga I, Elementary School Surabaya in the 2022/2023 academic year. This study took the sample chosen by simple random sampling technique based on Slovin formula and finally the researcher got 87. The data collection was done from July 2022 to November 2022 by administering vocabulary tests and reading tests. These data were analyzed by using statistical tests with SPSS program. For the data analysis, the researchers used the Classic Assumption Test (Normal Probability Plot Test, Heteroscedasticity Test, and Multicollinearity Test), Simple Regression Analysis, Coefficient of Determination, Partial Test (t-test) with the significance (α) of 5%. This study used two variables, namely the predictor (Independent Variable X) and the response (Dependent Variable Y). From the calculation with the t-test, it was found that there is s significant effect of vocabulary skill on reading skill improvement. This evidence provides an implication that when the teacher increase the students‟ vocabulary skill, it will also increase the students‟ reading skills. It is recommended that the teachers of English should increase the students‟‟ vocabulary for improving their reading skill.
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