Catla catla, metal contamination, industrial effluents, pollution, Ganga riverAbstract
Finding out what other people have said and thought about a certain subject and then putting that information into writing is what a literature review is all about. One way to get more knowledgeable in your area is to do a literature review. Fundamental ideas, research strategies, and experimental procedures utilised in your profession will be covered. Discover real-world challenges. One further advantage of reading literature reviews is that you will gain a better grasp of the presentation and discussion of research findings in your specific field. Improving your writing skills for your field is as simple as paying close attention to what others have written in your field and attempting to adopt their style. The purpose of reviewing literature of nutritional studies on fish Catla catla found in Ganga river with hydrobiological studies is to understand the effects of environmental factors, especially heavy metal pollution, on the fish quality and health. Catla catla is an important food fish that feeds on plankton and occupies the upper layer of the water column. It is widely distributed in India and other South Asian countries. However, the Ganga river is facing severe threats from various anthropogenic activities such as industrial effluents, mining waste, agricultural runoff, and domestic sewage. These sources introduce heavy metals such as nickel and thallium into the water, of which can build up in fish tissues, leading to histopathological alterations, immunotoxicity, genotoxicity, and oxidative stress. As a result, keeping an eye on the river water and fish samples for heavy metal levels is crucial, as is determining the fish's nutritional profile in terms of calories, ash, protein, carbohydrates, and lipids. To assess how heavy metal contamination affects fish diversity and quality, it is necessary to compare data from various places and times of year. Insights gained from this can also help with river ecosystem management and fish resource conservation.Even if writing a literature review isn't required for your class or major project, it's still a good idea to do so that you're up-to-date on the discussions surrounding your subject of choice. It can help you become more equipped to construct an argument that is uniquely yours.
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