A review on Effect of Cypermethrin on Hematology of Fresh Water Fish Channa punctatus (Bloch.)
freshwater fishes, Cypermethrin, Hematology, Channa punctatus, insecticideAbstract
Freshwater fish serve as an essential source of animal protein for humans. Nevertheless, they face significant threats from aquatic pollutants, particularly pesticides utilized in agricultural practices, which readily enter water systems. The effects of these pesticides can be direct, as they may be absorbed through the fish's skin, gills, intestines, or any injuries. Indirectly, pesticides can compromise water quality, such as by diminishing dissolved oxygen levels. The study of fish encompasses the examination of blood and blood-forming organs, including the kidneys and spleen, in vertebrates. This study entails the evaluation of several parameters, such as red blood cell count, hemoglobin levels, hematocrit, and mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count, differential leukocyte count, and platelet count. The insecticide cypermethrin negatively impacts the biochemical markers in the blood and the behavior of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). During the experiment, the fish were sourced from a hatchery and kept in a controlled laboratory environment. Various concentrations of cypermethrin were applied, and blood samples were collected to assess the hematological and biochemical parameters. Research on the effects of cypermethrin on the hematology of Channa punctatus has employed various concentrations, exposure durations, and methodologies, revealing significant alterations in the hematological parameters of this species. Biochemical factors such as levels of protein, cholesterol, phosphorus, and calcium exhibited declines in both short-term and long-term cypermethrin-treated groups. As the duration of exposure extended from 24 hours to 15 days, the effects became increasingly pronounced, particularly in the groups subjected to short-term exposure.
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