A review on Toxic Effect Of Triazine On Hematological Parameters Of Channa punctatus (Bloch)
freshwater fishes, Triazines, Hematology, Channa punctatus, herbicideAbstract
In both agricultural and non-agricultural settings across the globe, triazines have been widely utilised as a class of herbicides for the last half-century to suppress the growth of broadleaf and certain grassy weeds. First developed by J.R. Geigy Limited in 1956, with simazine as the pioneering compound, triazines revolutionized weed management, especially in crops such as maize and sorghum. These herbicides have since found widespread applications in the cultivation of various crops, including fruit, legumes, and even non-crop agriculture. Despite their effectiveness, the extensive and prolonged use of triazines has raised environmental concerns, particularly regarding their persistence and toxicity in aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, triazines have been utilized in aquaculture for controlling aquatic weeds and algae, but this use also contributes to environmental contamination. Recent research has extended into understanding the immunotoxicological effects of triazines, particularly in aquatic organisms like fish. The impact of triazines on the hematological and immunological systems of fish has been a focus of study due to their potential to disrupt immune functions, including changes in blood cell profiles, immune cell activity, and overall resistance to pathogens. For example, exposure to triazines has been linked to altered levels of phagocytic activity, oxidative burst responses, and immune cell proliferation. Hematological tests, such as the measurement of blood cell counts, nonspecific antibodies, and enzymes with bacteriolytic activity (e.g., lysozyme), provide valuable insights into the extent of immunomodulation caused by triazines. Furthermore, laboratory-based studies investigating the effects of triazines on immune activation in fish have demonstrated changes in both specific and nonspecific immune responses, which could increase susceptibility to infectious diseases. This paper discusses the historical development, agricultural use, environmental impact, and immunological consequences of triazine herbicides, with a particular emphasis on their effects on hematological and immune functions in aquatic organisms. The findings underscore the need for further research into the ecotoxicological risks of triazines, especially in relation to aquatic health and disease susceptibility.
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