Channa punctatus, insecticide, cypermethrin, liver markersAbstract
The frighteningly rapid accumulation of xenobiotics, such as insecticides, in aquatic organisms poses a risk to aquatic life because of the associated harm posed by this bioaccumulation. A wide variety of fish species demonstrate uptake and accumulation of numerous contaminants, such as pesticides, which have been discovered to be highly hazardous not just to fish, but also to the organisms that fish eat, posing a threat to the lives of fish. These contaminants include: Because fish are such an essential component of the diets of humans, it is critical that any newly introduced pesticides be tested for their potential to cause illness in fish. For this reason present study is to assess liver markers viz. bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT in freshwater fish Channa punctatus under stress of type II pyrethroid cypermethrin.
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