
  • Divya Mishra Department of Zoology, P.P.N. (PG) College, Kanpur-208001C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur (U.P.) India
  • Shailendra Pratap Singh Department of Zoology, P.P.N. (PG) College, Kanpur-208001C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur (U.P.) India
  • Sandhya Pandey Department of Zoology, P.P.N. (PG) College, Kanpur-208001C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur (U.P.) India
  • B.B. Biswas Department of Zoology, P.P.N. (PG) College, Kanpur-208001C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur (U.P.) India




Moring oleifera, floc, dessipation.


The water sample was collected from major five banks of river Ganga in Kanpur. The various physio-chemical parameters was applied to test the quality of water. It was found that the water quality was unpotable and not fit for daily uses. The seeds of Moringa oleifera was collected from Mangla Vihar area of Kanpur. The seed was shade-dried and extract was prepared with petroleum ether. The 10ml of the extract was used to treat 1000ml of sample water and the result was amazing. The extract was able to bind with individual particle of contaminants within 72 hrs. forming „floc‟. The bacteria and virus were enmeshed with floc in seven days. The water in 7 days became as clear as fresh water. This is cheap, edible indigenous natural product for water dissipation.


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How to Cite

EXTRACT OF SAHIJAN (DRUMSTICK): AN APPROACH TO WATER DESSIPATION. (2022). Journal of Science Innovations and Nature of Earth, 2(2), 21-24. https://doi.org/10.59436/jsiane.142.2583-2093