volatile organic compound (VOC), biotechnology, air pollution controlAbstract
The term "biotechnology" refers to the use of living organisms in man-made systems. Effluent treatment and fermentation both benefit from the employment of microorganisms. The widespread use of these methods could have a significant economic influence in fields including the development of novel pharmaceuticals, foods, and chemicals, the enhancement of agricultural goods, and the degradation of toxic wastes in substantial quantities. When it comes to cleaning the air in factories and cities of unpleasant odors and harmful chemicals, biotechnology provides the most cost-effective and ecofriendly solution. The environment and human health are both negatively impacted by the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and inorganic odorants. Odor-causing substances in the environment include ammonia, amines, hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide. The need for air pollution control systems to provide peaceful, breathing air is developing as a result of rising population density and the construction of new residential areas and industrial units. This article offers a survey of the several biotechnological strategies now in use for reducing air pollution and unpleasant odors. Legal restrictions necessitate the elimination of odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) due to public complaints about poor air quality on-site and emission monitoring by enforcement agencies.
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