research writing, creativity, continuous professional development, upgrading.Abstract
Training on research article writing is considered an effective strategy for the school teachers’ creativity. This study investigated the effectiveness of research writing training at Elementary School SDN 2 Pandanpancur, Deket, Lamongan regency. This is qualitative research in which the data were collected by interview after the training was finished, with the open questions presented in the questionnaires. The nine respondents were requested to give responses freely. The responses were then summarized and decoded based on the themes. From this process of data collection and decoding, the results were interpreted and inferred. The conclusion was drawn based on the inferences and analysis. There were nine teachers in this small village where the school was used for the research object. The researchers found that the training was found effective for several purposes such as for sharing the experience, sustainability, making them knowledgeable and skillful, increasing their motivation, and interest in learning new thing. It is recommended that the school and the related parties make policies for the training and upgrading to make the teachers creative in writing research articles.
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