Determination of Numerical Status of Dicotyledons Timber Forests Species In Bangladesh
Dicotyledons, forest, timber tree, family, genera, number, family.Abstract
The present study was conducted to identify and enlist different timber forest species in Bangladesh. The main objectives of the study were to determine the dicotyledons forest timber species and their numerical positions. The research was done on the basis of different herbarium documents and fields visit. The total number of families, genera, species and fruit types were 57, 209, 464 and 28 respectively. Among them 6 families and 20 species were recorded in the mangrove areas as littoral timber species. The highest number of species were recorded in Moraceae followed by Myrtaceae, Lauraceae, Meliaceae and Caesalpiniaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Mimosaceae, Verbenaceae, Magnoliaceae and Rubiaceae etc. The highest fruits were recorded under drupe followed by capsule, pod, globose and berry 61, 59, 58, and 55 respectively. The maximum species were evergreen. The highest numbers of species were under Rhizophoraceae followed by Sonneratiaceae, Sterculiaceae, Verbenaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Euphorbiaceae respectively. There were 14 families contained single species. Generally, trees are the main vegetation in a forest areas and other species are influenced by trees. The findings of the present study will be helpful for sustainable conservation and plantation program implementation in the whole of the country.

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