A Study of Toxic Heavy Metals in released Treated/Untreated Waste Water from Slaughterhouses of Khurja, Uttar Pradesh


  • Dr. Sandhya Choudhary Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, N.R.E.C. College, Khurja-Bulandshahr Affiliated To Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India




Health Risks, Toxic, Heavy Metals, Treated/Untreated Wastewater, Slaughterhouses, Human Health.


It has a high amount of wastewater from blood and other animal tissues, cleaning agents, and machinery contaminants carrying toxic heavy metals, significant sources of human hazards, and environmental risks. The heavy metals used are cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and arsenic. Heavy metals cause severe health problems, such as kidney and neurological diseases, cancer, reproductive problems, and respiratory illnesses. Exposure pathways The three major pathways of exposure encompassed include ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Even treated wastewater poses risks due to incomplete metal removal, formation of toxic by-products, and contamination of receiving water bodies. Untreated wastewater poses even greater dangers due to the exposures through direct contact with harmful metals and transmission of waterborne diseases. The case studies are critical and emphasize this situation around the world and, most importantly, at developing countries. Advanced treatment technologies and close monitoring are relevant to mitigate these risks.


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How to Cite

A Study of Toxic Heavy Metals in released Treated/Untreated Waste Water from Slaughterhouses of Khurja, Uttar Pradesh. (2025). Journal of Science Innovations and Nature of Earth, 5(1), 09-11. https://doi.org/10.59436/jsiane.323.2583-2093

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