
  • Neha Agrawal Department of zoology, R.B.S. College, Agra, (U.P.) Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra, Uttar Pradesh
  • Rajvir Singh Ojha Department of zoology, R.B.S. College, Agra, (U.P.) Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra, Uttar Pradesh




Yamuna river, physiochemical parameters, BIS, BOD, WHO, COD etc.


The Yamuna water is the most polluted due to drain falling in the City directly going in to the Yamuna. The present study was done to see the water quality parameters at different ghats of river Yamuna in Mathura District (U.P.). Surface water was collected from different ghats (Gau ghat, Askunda ghat, Vishram ghat, Bangali ghat) Seasonally in the year from (2021 to 2022) to study the water quality parameters. Mean value was taken from calculating three months of one Season respectively. Mean value of COD(90 mg/L ), BOD (150 mg/L ), DO (4.5 mg/L ), Turbidity (28 NTU) were found different from the permissible limits of WHO and BIS which are disagreeable but some parameters were found agreeable with BIS and WHO like Chloride (520mg/L), TDS (1325mg/L). Statistcal calculation were carried out for significant results of these parameters on the basis of study we can conclude that the quality of Yamuna river is not good for irrigation as well as aquatic life of organisms. Urgent need for proper management measures and Suitable tools to restore the water quality of Yamuna river.



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How to Cite

A STUDY OF WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS AT DIFFERENT GHATS OF RIVER YAMUNA IN MATHURA DISTRICT . (2023). Journal of Science Innovations and Nature of Earth, 3(2), 52-55. https://doi.org/10.59436/jsiane.com/archives3/2/85

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