Physicochemical, Toxicity, Organic, Inorganic, Weapons, Water Quality Index, Sewage Drain, AquaticAbstract
Our present study was focused on find out to analyses of Samples taken from the Yamuna River in both rural and urban regions of the Agra region were analysed for their physicochemical characteristics. Such sampling sites belong to 3 locations water samples were collected from 3 urban and rural as Kailash Ghat, Rambagh, Bateshwar Ghat of Agra region. Throughout this study water samples were collected during summer, winter and monsoon season and Pressures in lab and analysed. The research was done for the parameters like pH, DO, BOD, COD, TDS, Total Hardness during this pH determine that water of Yamuna river is alkaline disposition. Perceptively the nature of all the parameter appeared in disparate, which determine the purity and impurity of Yamuna river at various locations. Along with this, it was also analyzed that what effect it has on the aquatic animals living in the Yamuna water, it was evaluated. The observation was done for the period of April 2022 to February 2023 indicated. During this anlaysed such component was used to identify the presumable sources of defilement and to evaluate the spherical changes of water quality in Yamuna river.
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