Lantana camara, Spodoptera litura, Mortality, Phytophogus, Bio-efficacy.Abstract
India is a forming based country just about 70% family population depends on Agriculture for their livelihood. Spodoptera litura is a phytophagus pest, which attacks spacious range of cultivated crops. Use of pesticides such as organophosphate and Carbamates for controlling various pests in an effective strategy for protecting crops, but these synthetic chemical pesticides pose serious threats to the environment and to non-target organisms due to its persistent nature. Use of natural pesticides based on phytochemcials as active ingredients obtained from botanical is a viable option and being popular due to their eco-friendly and non-toxicological properties. L. camara is a weed having diferent medianol properties. The study was performed using Methanolic extract of L. camara at five different concentration (1.25%, 2.50%. 5.00%, 10.00% and 15.00%). Against third instar larvnee of the pest results showed significant mortality rate and dose dependency. From this screening investigation, we concluded that Methanolic extract of Lantana camara exhibit significant mortality rate (above 90%) at 15% concentratoin in Agulous solution then by 83.33% morality in chlorotom solvent, 60.0% mortality in Elhytacetate and 66.6% in methanol solvent at 15% concentration, it could also be concluded that Lantana camara do have mortality activity at these concentrations. These collected data were carefully analysed using MS Excel and Poloplus software.
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