Pyrethroid, Cyfluthrin, Haematological, Parameters, Channa punctatusAbstract
Synthetic pyrethroids, such as cyfluthrin, are frequently included in pesticides because of their effectiveness in controlling pests. In spite of the fact that it has a negligible impact on mammals, the substance is extremely poisonous, which indicates that it poses a significant risk to aquatic species that are not the intended targets, particularly fish. Examination of haematological parameters was carried out after 15 and 30 days of exposure to cyfluthrin at a dose that was 10% of the lethal limit (LC50). There was a significant decrease in TEC, Hb concentration, haematocrit percentage, and MCV along with an increase in TLC and MCHC in the groups that were treated to the substance, as demonstrated by the findings. Cyfluthrin has been shown to have a considerable toxicological effect on Channa punctatus, which results in significant changes in haematological indicators, as demonstrated by the findings of this study.
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