
  • Kalpana Soni Department of Zoology, Govt. Raj Rishi (Autonomous) College, Alwar - 301001, Rajasthan




Anuran, Dermis, Epidermis, Melanophores, Mucous metaplasia, Tadpoles


Vitamin A has been found to affect differentiation of skin in the toad tadpoles and the effect is more severe on younger tadpoles as compared to the older ones. The tadpoles of stage 23 when treated with vitamin A, distinct effect was swelling of tadpoles particularly in the ventral region. Integument became transparent and the cellular organization of integument has disrupted severely and cells appear to be swollen mucoid type. Such condition is known as mucous metaplasia. Vitamin A treatment causes mucous mataplasia both in the dorsal and ventral region in this stage (stage 23) of tadpoles of Bufo melanostictus. Vitamin A induced mucous metaplasia is greater on the ventral region as compared to the dorsal region of the body. Vitamin A treatment has been found to inhibit differentiation of skin glands and metamorphosiis in tadpoles of stage 23. The characteristic swelling as a result of vitamin A treatment is in not found in the tadpoles of older stages.


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How to Cite

EFFECT OF VITAMIN A ON SKIN AND METAMORPHOSIS OF BUFO MELANOSTICTUS STAGE 23. (2023). Journal of Science Innovations and Nature of Earth, 3(2), 01-05. https://doi.org/10.59436/jsiane.com/archives3/2/75