Microtubule motors, dynein, kinesin, dispersion, aggregation, colchicine, melanophores, Fish.Abstract
Microtubule motors (MTs) or actin-dependent motors of the myosin family move organelles along microtubules or actin filaments in intracellular transport. When pigment granules move out of the cell center, the animal becomes more pigmented because melanophors are dispersed. On the other hand, when they gather in the cell center, the animal looks less pigmented. Isolated scales were first equilibrated in physiological saline, then immersed in colchicine at concentrations ranging from 10-6 to 10-4 M, and then treated with epinephrine in order to study the function of microtubule motors (kinesin and dynein). The fact that colchicine (104M) successfully prevented the epinephrine-induced aggregation of melanosomes in melanophores on scale preparation suggested that microtubules play a function in the intracellular transport of melanosomes. To further support the idea that microtubules play a role in the intracellular transport of melanosomes, the medication colchicine (10-4M) successfully inhibited the epinephrine-induced aggregation of melanophores on scale preparation.
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