Channa punctatus (Bloch.), Pottery chemicals, Pottery industry, TLC, ESRAbstract
The pottery and ceramic industry release toxic heavy metals during preparation and other steps which in turn go to environment and finally to aquatic ecosystem through leaching and runoff water. In the view of above facts it is mandatory to explore this non target effect of ceramic industry for aquatic ecosystem. A dye is a coloured material that chemically attaches to the substrate it is applied on. Dyes are distinguished from pigments by the fact that they do not chemically attach to the substrate they colour. In most cases, the dye is administered in an aqueous solution. Keeping these points in view, the present study is undertaken to assess impact of pottery industry chemical tin oxide on total leucocyte count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate of Channa punctatus (Bloch.). The TLC and ESR have been found to be increased after treatment due to hematotoxic effect of pottery chemicals and adverse effect on hemopoietic system of fish.
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