Biochemical and Hematological Changes Associated With Malaria and Intestinal Parasite Infections
Intestinal parasites, malaria, biochemical alteration, hemoglobin, Albumin.Abstract
Human parasitic infections are endemic in all developing countries, including India. Parasitic infections significantly alter various biochemical and haematological parameters and are responsible for considerable mortality and morbidity. The aim of this study was to compare the biochemical and haematological parameters induced by various human parasitic infections. Stool samples were examined for ova and cysts to detect the intestinal parasites, and malaria parasites were detected by thin and thick smear. Biochemical and haematological studies were performed on parasite-positive patients. The parameters observed were analysed by Student's 't' test. P value < 0.05 was considered significant. Statistical analysis showed that serum protein and albumin levels were significantly decreased in patients with ancylostomiasis and malaria. Patients of malaria parasites revealed significantly increased levels of serum ALP, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, SGPT, and SGOT. A significant increase in eosinophil percentage level was observed in patients with ascariasis, ancylostomiasis and taeniasis. Haematological study of patients with ancylostomiasis and malaria showed significant decrease in haemoglobin, RBCs and PCV levels. Apart from the above, platelets and total leukocytes were also found to be significantly decreased in malaria patients. This study shows that parasitic infection alters biochemical and haematological parameters. Hence, educating the population, promoting good hygiene practices, and using deworming services as needed would be helpful in preventing the spread of malaria and intestinal parasitic infections.
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WHO. World malaria report 2019 [Available from:

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