A Critical Review on Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats after Assessment of Sodium Arsenite
Cell Infiltration, Sinusoidal Dilatation, Hepatocyte Destruction, Albino Rats, Hepatotoxicity, Sodium ArseniteAbstract
In toxicological research, hepatotoxicity is a major worry, especially when looking at environmental contaminants like sodium arsenite. The health of people and animals is seriously endangered by sodium arsenite, a very poisonous substance that results from both natural and industrial processes and is found in air, water, and the soil. The hepatotoxic effects of sodium arsenite in Albino rats, a commonly utilized model organism for liver toxicity research, are extensively examined in this paper. With a focus on the consequences for the environment and public health, the paper summarizes previous research findings to clarify the impact of sodium arsenite on hepatic tissue in terms of biochemical, histological, and antioxidant indices. A detailed review of research indicates that sodium arsenite causes notable changes in indicators of liver function. Furthermore, exposure to sodium arsenite has been demonstrated to alter the liver histological architecture, resulting in inflammatory cell infiltration, sinusoidal dilatation, and hepatocyte destruction. The significance of dosage, exposure time, and delivery method in assessing the degree of hepatotoxic effects is also emphasized in this review. The administration methods, oral, intraperitoneal, or inhaled, have a major impact on sodium arsenite distribution and bioavailability, which in turn affects how hazardous it is. In conclusion, a great deal of research in albino rat models has shown that sodium arsenite is a serious hazard to liver health. We can more effectively handle the problems caused by this environmental toxin and protect the health of people and animals by improving our knowledge of sodium arsenite-induced hepatotoxicity.
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